Now, it seems, they are even giving the greats make-overs!
Jane Austen has a book coming out… well a previously unpublished memoir, (not my cuppa) edited by a relative.
But the publishers deemed Austen’s traditional portrait painted by her sister, ‘too ugly’ for the cover, so they have given her a complete make-over, including… wait for it… make-up and hair extensions.

and AFTER:

Full story HERE courtesy of the BBC
Question: If you are still alive, will a make-over make you a better writer?
Goodness me. Almost lost for words.
And wouldn't the majority of people buying this be doing so because they're fans of her work?
Don't jusge a book by its cover but by how good the author's made to look. I fear I may have to give up now!
just remember the rouge goes a little higher, and you'll be fine...
I can't quite believe I read that - surely, please tell me, this is a wind-up?!
Hello Jen!
Nope. Follow the link to the BBC news article,
I have booked in for radical surgery, firstly leg extensions.
Then a boob job (actually I'm selling half of mine to Jane Austen, she looks a little flat chested to me...)
All good fun... and of course, my writing will improve no end.
I think they missed a trick: they could have given her a lower neckline!
Is it just me or does she look a bit like Kate Winslett?
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