Photo by Molara Wood
Molara Wood, the London-based Nigerian writer, has blogged about the launch party HERE
It was a great occasion for me for so many reasons, one of which was the opportunity it gave me to meet writers I had worked with on the web. Molara Wood is someone I had been greatly looking forward to meeting. A prizewinning writer herself, we had worked together in an international collaborative project, exploring 'Third World' issues through fiction.
(The first thing we all did was chuck out the term 'Third World' as divisive!)
I have borrowed the piccie above... there are some more of Molara's great photos of the launch on her blog.
Molara has just been declared the winner of the John La Rose Memorial Short Story Competition. She has a busy week last week, as her award ceremony took place a few days after we met... read all about it HERE.
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