Great morning, taking a flash fiction workshop for The South writing association.
THE SOUTH WEBSITE HERESix buzzy writers included two MA students, a writer who had travelled all the way from Cambridge for the workshop, another from Hastings way who is targetting women's magazines and wants to write coffee break fiction, a local writer whose quirky funny pieces I have heard at Short Fuse, and a lady who said she couldn't write really... then produced some beautiful lyrical work seemingly easily!
I looked at flash writing as a process and as a product.
Under 'process' we did several exercises to loosen up, wrote to prompts, took characters and ideas that had festered in drawers or on hard drives ofr a while and gave them an airing. We looked at generating prompts... poetry, image, music.
We looked at a selection of published and/or prizewinning flashes, including 'Plaits' by Tania Hershman, work by Steve Almond from Smokelong Quarterly, and another piece by Bruce Holland Rogers, also from Smokelong.
We looked at what makes a successful piee of flash fiction and ran through the fiction elements while they used work they had done ea rlier and made notes on how thay might edit to strengthen.
Markets, submissions, strategies to bust writers block, then talk about the two Brighton flash events coming up... Jo Horsman's Sparks and the Short Fuse Slam... all in three hours.
Some ideas for you flashers:
Sparks. Upstairs at Three and Ten, Brighton, 11 November, 20.00 £5.00 entry. Flash subs for Sparks to
Short Fuse Slam, 20 November, Komedia bar, Brighton, 20.30 start. £4.00 entry. No subs, take your work along and cross your fingers. Raucous short story face off, with game show vibe, local author judges, glittering prizes, clap-o-meter and more! Theme - "Fancy!"