The home page of The Cafe Irreal, one of my favourite places for inspirational writing, includes a short piece by Jean-Paul Sartre. It shows what Irreality is, far better than extensive literary analysis, for this reader/writer. Of course, there is always the danger that the reader will just think the work is 'mad'... meaningless, disjointed. But, if the writer creates a fictive world in which the absurd appears 'normal'... something magical is created.
After the short fictional example, he said this:
"... if we have been able to give (the reader)the impression that we are talking about a world in which these absurd manifestations appear as normal behaviour, then he will find himself plunged all at once into the heart of the fantastic." — Jean-Paul Sartre
The irreal fascinates me, it always has, and I am writing more and more. It's simply the way I 'see' things, sometimes. One example, written in a flash session, very fast and almost without thinking (which just shows what a strange place my brain must be!) is up on Cafe Irreal HERE
Other pieces of Gebbie irreality are in their archives.
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