Short Fuse Story Slam: Brighton's Komedia Theatre bar, 21 Feb, 8.00 pm
Fabula presents Brighton’s only night dedicated to the short story. This monthly live lit event features a line-up of four great short tales from both local and national writers.Presented in a relaxed cabaret style, with music and bar between readings.
Short Fuse Story Slam: To celebrate St. Valentine, February 21st will be a special Short Fuse flash fiction competition entitled 'LOVE'. This will be an exciting and raucous event with writers reading their five minute stories to a stopwatch and an applause-o-meter. Judges will include renowned local authors.
(including me. I'm renowned!)
There is a bigger incentive however than the kudos of being hailed The Short Fuse Slam King or Queen. We will be handing out a decent cash prize and other goodies to the winning writer and the runners-up.
So, if you want to enter, interpret the theme any way you like, bring your 500 word story with you on the night, put your name in the hat, and hold tight. And if not, come and enjoy the tall and terrible tales of our first slam, writer or not.
For further information and tickets email shortfusestories@yahoo.co.uk or call Tara 233703, 07929 265089.
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