Thursday, 31 January 2008

RIGHT Thats enough of that... and NEWS

Snap out of it.

Sorry Mimi (for those who don't know, Mimi is a writer who pops in here, either as Mimi or Anonymous, and glories in my downturns...)

Sorry Mimi... but out of the desert comes forth water.

I was curled on the bathroom floor, have a good session of what girls do best, (crying over a spilt photograph), when I cursed mood swings, and a light went on. (metaphorically, Mimi... know that word??)

See I'd started the day roaring with laughter at a prizewinning story of a writer called Joel Willans (check him out, and look for a story that came second in Derby), and less than two hours later I was a weepy mess.

But what a great creative mess!

So in the midst of the anxt, I emailed Salt with an idea for the flash collection, and they came back... with a yes.

YES second book on the chocks.

sorry Mimi....


Nik Perring said...

What terrific news! (About the book - NOT the crying.)


Vanessa Gebbie said...

Thanks Nik!

Title of this one, Mood Swings. (Now I wonder where that idea came from?!)

A flash fiction collection.

great stuff. And even better... the raw material is already there. needs a lot of work, but its there.
