Cue poignant story written by an adopted adult who was exploring her own feelings at the time. It was runner up in Good Housekeeping Magazine’s short story comp, 2003/4 judged by Alexander McCall Smith, winning me £100! Things could only go downhill, really! I thought this fiction game was a doddle – little did I know. You can read The Comeback HERE.
It is interesting, looking at this one now - can see how much I have changed as a writer. I almost don’t recognise the style, in parts. But it is lovely to have it published now. And lovely to see Anne Brooke in the same issue with a great piece.
Last night I was the guest writer at Sussex House Party, hosted by the indomitable Gilly Smith. Almost all the diners were experienced writers, mainly non-fiction.

The third writer in the pic is Michael Gould, whose daughter Tara runs the Short Fuse spoken word event in Brighton. He held us spellbound with his memories of Mr West from Stamford Hill – a Burmese gentleman who told fortunes. Michael has self-published a novel entitled Filfy O’Durr (it’s from a dog’s perspective, ha!). I said I’d give it a plug:

And I am honoured that a writing colleague has asked me to be her ‘trusted reader’ - reading her final novel draft carefully before it is sent to the agent, feeding back any glitches. She sent a covering note with the manuscript – saying thank you – but also, saying how exposed she felt now that her work has been given to someone else to read for the first time. I understand completely, sadly. At some point I will put together a post about the dos and don’ts of selecting your trusted reader, based on my own experiences, both great and ghastly.

Felice Picano, and Steve Rasnic Tem .
You look like you're having a fab time and as for your get-up, quite sexy/writerly and lovely hair-BTW. I've spent my life wishing for such hair.
Hi Lauri! Amd its true - whatever hair we have, we don't like it. I alwatys wanted dark curls....
Ha - I have just realised that I was a runner-up in Good Housekeeping short story competition 2003. How life draws strange patterns and ultimately, circles. I can understand that oddness at looking back at earlier work but I can see Vanessaishness in that first story..now it is simply refined and tightened.
Sussex party looks so lovely.
You can have my dark curls!
I look forward to reading about how to choose trusted readers as I'm beginning to think about that. (I should be thinking about restructuring but that frightens me even more.)
wow Julia how weird! I had two lots of stuff, two years running from GH - a vast box of books from Transworld, I think - and a lot of book tokens. Luvverly!
a refined and very tight Vxx
JJB - I will try to be helpful!
Wow, lots of wonderful events and great news. Nice to be able to see an early story you wrote and see how far you've come, although you began a prize-winner which is not a bad beginning!
Starting off with a prize must have been a great morale booster. The party looks lovely. Interesting about trusted readers - must be extraordinarily difficult to find, in fact.
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