The next stop on my bloggy tour is with The Short Review blog. And there is the chance to WIN a copy of Short Circuit, thanks to both Short Review and Salt Publishing for that! Editor Tania Hershman has a great essay in the book - actually, an essay that had one writer (an editor as well) messaging me this week to say it had completely changed her view of flash fiction, and above all, the flash writing process.
Tania asked me a very good question - would readers, as opposed to writers, find Short Circuit an interesting book? Would it make them read more short stories??? Get thee over there to find out what I said.
And visit The Short Review too! I reviewed a book called The Town of Fiction, by The Atlantis Collective. Review HEREAnd there are some terrific collections up this month - so much to read, so little time!
Reviewing this time was hard... I was very aware that I had a self-published book from a writing group in my hands. And in case any of the writers therein are reading this, take comfort from the fact that reviews are necessarily subjective, to some extent. And go read the review of Tales of the Decongested II - a terrific anthology which contains one of my fave flashes, one that takes the record for 'please read that one' requests. So I turn to it for a nice warm glow, to see nothing mentioned... except:
I loved some of the stories, and disliked others. Reading this collection is like a raffle where everyone wins something – it just depends on your literary taste. You could walk home with a gruesome troll figurine or with a real nugget of gold – and this totally depends on which page you open the book

See? That's me - the gruesome troll figurine! Ha!
My particular gruesome troll can be read, in part online, HERE... you'll have to imagine where the italics went!
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