Righto – this has to be one of the best things, 100 STORIES FOR HAITI!!! Raising money for The Red Cross for its work in Haiti following the earthquake. Visit the website HERE - discover the entire list of writers!

1 unstoppable man with a vision – Greg McQueen
400+ writers who submitted their stories
100 writers whose work will raise dosh for the Red Cross
2 publishers
1 publisher for the print anthology – Bridge House Publishing
1 publisher for the e-book – Smashwords.com
Publication Date – 4th March.
The Anthology is now available for pre-order - I just ordered 4 - one for me, one for both sons, one spare...from the publishers, Bridge House – HERE
Take a look at their website – it’s a small concern, but there is some very good information on the website. Including four downloadable documents - advice on marketing your work - freely available to all writers, which is commercially switched on and generous of them. Thank you Bridge House!
• How to plan a book launch
• Press Release template
• Press Guide
• How to promote your work

Ooh brill!
And an excellent cause.
I'll be getting me some very soon.
Take a breath, Vanessa! I'm gasping just reading that.
Yes, we've all done well, especially Greg, getting that anthology from concept to complete in such a short time. Now we just need LOTS of sales & publicity!
Chapeau to everybody - and all the very best for its success.
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